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Prime 04

0 user (users) favorited this work
  • Artwork ID:13910
  • View Count:2551
  • Publish Time:2019-12-14 22:44
  • Species:No Species / Multiple Species
  • Category:No Category / All Categories
  • Copyright:CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 - Anyone is free to share this work, under that he must give appropriate credit, may not use the material for commercial purposes and must distribute the material under the same license as the original if he modified upon it.
  • Rating:General - Intended for all ages.


More artworks by AsterTheMedStu
Prime 04 by AsterTheMedStu, Derideal
Prime 04 by AsterTheMedStu, Derideal
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Prime 04

I’m currently working on a small robot species, I HOPE to release it soon for general public! I want it to be an open species.

关于上面提到的,可以参见 Cudacters, an open species.,类似于 Protogen 的一个虚构物种。


- Technican 1: I will communicate the results in person to the directive. Start the maturation process. I'll come back at night to supervise everything, and I will make some copies of the creature's DNA
Hey! What are you doing here?
- Technican 2: Oh. I'm just checking the mechanism of the other growth tanks.
I may have overstepped, but I'm sure we'll make other copies of the specimen.
- Technican 1: Good idea. That will save me a ton of time! Thanks.

实验员1:我会亲自和咱们实验室大老板聊聊结果,要赶紧把整个流程给打通。今晚我会再回来转转,监督指导余下的工作。当然啦,也要同时备份这小家伙的 DNA


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0 user (users) favorited this work
  • Artwork ID:13910
  • View Count:2551
  • Publish Time:2019-12-14 22:44
  • Species:No Species / Multiple Species
  • Category:No Category / All Categories
  • Copyright:CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 - Anyone is free to share this work, under that he must give appropriate credit, may not use the material for commercial purposes and must distribute the material under the same license as the original if he modified upon it.
  • Rating:General - Intended for all ages.


More artworks by AsterTheMedStu