Copyright:General Original - Works that are created by yourself, whose characters are either original or given under the authorization(usually from the owner). All rights reserved.
He's Deaf and Shes Mute
and there husband and wife
i constantly imagine them eating dinner somewhere and some snobby couple next to them starts talking about them behind there back and there unaware that Tru can hear all of this
and though he doesn't speak much KJ has had speech training so i just imagine them both sitting there with Tru telling Kj everything they say and after alowing enough time for the couple to dig a deep enough grave for them selves Kj gets there attention and say:
hey just so you know i'm the only Deaf one here she just mute and can hear everything you just said.
then they just chuckle at the embarrassment of the snobby couple.
then they'll order the snobby couple a desert cause there nice that way.
Copyright:General Original - Works that are created by yourself, whose characters are either original or given under the authorization(usually from the owner). All rights reserved.