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Rank Username Introduction Favorited View counts
21 NekoWumei 本账号目前仅汉化上传《Derideal》,手里有PSD漫画文件分层是正规授权翻译!依原作者意愿与漫画进度,简中翻译版暂时以每周一和周五在北京时间12:30更新一次,一次两页(不算集数封面与小节封面),若有修改以最新页为主;独自翻译润色嵌字的猫猫:白喵寤寐梦(头像是自绘OC崽子)。 Derideal作者官网:https://www.derideal.com/ 3 534
22 COMMANDER--WOLFE He has not written his self-introduction yet... 3 9542
23 画画很累 He has not written his self-introduction yet... 3 344
24 KEIZAI •畫下畫 •產兒展示托管所 3 902
25 阳炎 He has not written his self-introduction yet... 3 576
26 QuantumTopology He has not written his self-introduction yet... 3 527
27 阿布卡达布拉嗷 He has not written his self-introduction yet... 2 355
28 猫宫Tasuku 痛苦地画画 2 456
29 305寝 致力于发现并分享更多优质的漫画 2 182
30 板栗红茶 He has not written his self-introduction yet... 2 2248
31 sxr 一只普通的畜中牲。(他很想学好画画) 2 247
32 迷途星轨 一般通过彩笔画手 2 818
33 Melowo 一只流蓝血的大笨熊啦~ P站账号:https://www.pixiv.net/users/77280424 2 2579
34 喵田穆 画画的 微博:weibo.com/catmuti 2 7148
35 静默信号1048 He has not written his self-introduction yet... 1 318
36 Ragnarr 苦行僧。 1 748
37 梦白Monby 你好,这里是梦白!偶尔画一些小涂鸦~ b站@梦白Monby 1 535
38 風詡 風謝 画渣福瑞√ 龙癌√ 老社恐 √想认识更多画福瑞的友友。=w=+ QQ:2515704752 1 1498
39 浮生若茶 咕?(别翻我黑历史(跪求)) 1 2538
40 Refel 阿巴o﹁0 微博https://weibo.com/u/6972510910 0 1589