Welcome to WildDream Art!

An original art site and communication platform about animal, anthro and fantasy creature for all ages

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Registration of Artwork for WildDream Yearbook 2020

新一年的年鉴制作工作开始了!WildDream创作站计划将2019.6-2020.6发表于WildDream的优秀作品整理成册,并于暑假的兽展发售,所获利润(不含制作成本)同样捐赠给动物保育组织。 如果您有意愿提供作品授权,请您点击下方“报名参加活动”按钮进行登记。我们将优先与参与登记的创作者商议作品授权。 New year's artwork registration started! WildDream Art plans to publish excellent artwork in WildDream from June 2019 to June 2020 in our yearbook and sell them on the furry themed activity in July and August. The profits (excluding production costs) will be donated to animal conservation organizations as before. If you have intention to provide an artwork authorization, please click on the "Reister for this activity" button below. We will give priority to those who have registered to provide authorizations.