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An original art site and communication platform about animal, anthro and fantasy creature for all ages

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Registration of Artwork for WildDream Yearbook 2023

大家吼!今年的年鉴企划也如约而至将要启动了! 老规矩,WildDream创作站计划将2022年6月-2023年6月期间(或前后,并非严格限制。但不接受旧稿重投)发表于WildDream网站上的的作品整理成册,并于暑假的兽展期间实体发售。 任何于此时间段内在网站上公开投过稿的创作者均可注册。我们鼓励多样的风格和题材(包括小说投稿哦),侧重发挥年鉴对于网站创作的汇编和记载功能,热切希望大家大胆上前,踊跃来稿。我们等待着你的消息! 如果您有意愿提供作品授权,请您点击下方“报名参加活动”按钮进行登记。我们将优先与参与登记的创作者商议作品授权。 本年鉴销售所获利润(刨除制作成本)将捐赠给动物保育组织。关于公益详情可参考这里。 Hey everyone! The annual WildDream Art Collection is back on schedule and about to kick off! 🎉 As usual, we plan to compile works published on the WildDream website from June 2022 to June 2023 (or around that time, not strictly limited, but no resubmissions of old works) into a physical book, available for sale during the summer fur exhibition. 🐾 All artists who publicly submitted work during this period are eligible to register. We encourage diverse styles and themes, including novel submissions, to showcase the collection's role in compiling and recording the site's creativity. Don't be shy, submit your work! We're waiting for your message! 😊 If you're interested in granting permission for your work, please click the "Join the Event" button below to register. We'll prioritize negotiations with registered artists. 📝 Profits from the sale of this year's collection (excluding production costs) will be donated to animal conservation organizations. For more info on the charitable efforts, please visit the provided link: https://www.wilddream.net/Art/index/introduction#yearbook. 🐾💚
