Darker Depths Comic First Character!



2 只獸收藏了此作品
  • 作品ID:10034
  • 瀏覽量:7824
  • 發佈時間:2018-07-10 11:41
  • 種族:其他種族
  • 分類:數字繪畫(Digital Art)
  • 版權:一般性原創 - 自行構思創作的作品,其中的角色均為原創或獲得角色版權持有者許可,保留所有權利。
  • 分級:普通級(General) - 全年齡皆可觀看


Darker Depths Comic First Character! by Bleats, Female, Tiefling, SFW, Fantasy, DungeonsAndDragons, Clothes, Cloak, Bow, Arrow, Forest, Hair, Horns, Ranger, Art, Digital
Darker Depths Comic First Character! by Bleats, Female, Tiefling, SFW, Fantasy, DungeonsAndDragons, Clothes, Cloak, Bow, Arrow, Forest, Hair, Horns, Ranger, Art, Digital

Darker Depths Comic First Character!




The Patrons have spoken! Our Hero is a Female Tiefling Ranger who hails from small hunting village of Kol in the snowy Provence of Vorgenfjor. To the east sits the brooding peak of the volcano, Borgsarons Maw, with it's marauding Giants, to the south West pine forests at the edge of the Glamorgan, a vast, fey haunted woodland teeming with game, and finally to the North, the Walled city of Bernicia, where a skilled mercenary could make her name. What path will our hero choose? Even I don't know!

To join the fun and guide the story, head on over to my patreon and cast your vote! I have loads of other rewards like process videos and tutorials and a monthly freebie stream! +18 only as things can get very spicy!


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2 只獸收藏了此作品
  • 作品ID:10034
  • 瀏覽量:7824
  • 發佈時間:2018-07-10 11:41
  • 種族:其他種族
  • 分類:數字繪畫(Digital Art)
  • 版權:一般性原創 - 自行構思創作的作品,其中的角色均為原創或獲得角色版權持有者許可,保留所有權利。
  • 分級:普通級(General) - 全年齡皆可觀看

