Thatcher, Finley and Rory, 4010

1 只兽收藏了此作品
  • 作品ID:8945
  • 浏览量:3489
  • 发布时间:2018-03-16 07:16
  • 种族:无种族 / 多种族
  • 分类:数字绘画(Digital Art)
  • 版权: 一般性原创 - 自行构思创作的作品,其中的角色均为原创或获得角色版权持有者许可,保留所有权利。
  • 分级:普通级(General) - 全年龄皆可观看



Thatcher, Finley and Rory, 4010 by kstreetalley, dog, dingo, fox, red fox, vulpine, canid, canidae, canine, mammals, animals, characters, digital, drawing, anthro
Thatcher, Finley and Rory, 4010 by kstreetalley, dog, dingo, fox, red fox, vulpine, canid, canidae, canine, mammals, animals, characters, digital, drawing, anthro

Thatcher, Finley and Rory, 4010

In order from top/left to right: Finley, Thatcher and Rory (I know, the title is slightly out of order, but it works better). This drawing is supposed to be from the year "4010" which is four years before the main story. (It's basically the equivalent to 2010). So Thatcher and Finley are a bit younger here than when I normally draw them. (Rory is usually the same age because he doesn't appear in the main story, only in the flashbacks).


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1 只兽收藏了此作品
  • 作品ID:8945
  • 浏览量:3489
  • 发布时间:2018-03-16 07:16
  • 种族:无种族 / 多种族
  • 分类:数字绘画(Digital Art)
  • 版权: 一般性原创 - 自行构思创作的作品,其中的角色均为原创或获得角色版权持有者许可,保留所有权利。
  • 分级:普通级(General) - 全年龄皆可观看


