Here is an old post from my DeviantArt account. At the time, this is what I wrote:
This character/drawing has been floating around in my mind for decades--well--okay years--well, okay, half-a-year, but still, it took me a while to get around to it. His name is Mandelbrot the Dragon--no relation to the set...or is there?...
Anyway, he's from the same world as Omen, but I shall disclose no more. Eventually, I'll get the comic off the ground. Until then, I shall keep you amused with my feats of shading.
Speaking of which, the Kinko's scanner really murdered this one. This drawing's already been through alot already having nearly murdered by my own half-cocked attempts at being better at shading and designs than I truly am. Anyway, believe me, the dark tones are much more uniform than they appear. The problem was that I useed so much 4B pencil that the end result was extremely glossy.